Renou™ You


Complete Wellness Overhaul

This is a 6 month complete wellness overhaul for successful women who are feeling overwhelmed, undervalued, and who have put their health on the back burner. If you desire to re-establish your work-life balance and restore your wellness to be among your top priorities this program is for you.


Truth Bomb: Nutrition + Exercise ≠ Wellness

REAL TRUTH: Nutrition + Exercise + Mindset = Total Wellness

If you are a high-achieving, busy, successful woman who: 

  • Has invested time establishing yourself in your profession, industry or company

  • May be supporting your partner, perhaps even raising a family

  • Is struggling with weight loss

  • Is experiencing stress in multiple areas

  • Has lost sight of yourself and are now struggling with your weight & overall wellness.

You are the woman I designed this program for.


How this program differs from others

Achieving wellness is not just about diet and exercise. It starts with mindset, specifically in how you view change, and your perception of self. Positive or negative, your self-beliefs and self-assuredness, impacts your commitment, resilience and perseverance in reaching your wellness goals. 

Our health work focuses on 4 main areas - lifestyle, exercise, attitude and nutrition. From there, guided by your wellness vision, we explore other dimensions of wellness, with the goal of cultivating appreciation and self-acceptance.


“Losing weight and re-establishing your health as a priority is the priority.”

How it works

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In this container, as your health coach, I will guide you to create a mindset that will allow you to make yourself and your health a priority to so that you lose weight, stress less, sleep better, and have more energy, so that you can be present for those you love, kick butt at work (if that is one thing you desire) and actually thrive. 

During these sessions we’ll:

  • Review the 8 dimensions of wellness

  • Identify meaningful health & wellness goals that are sustainable and attainable

  • Create a strategy for transformation in the wellness areas most important to YOU

  • Generate a road map with milestones to ensure that habits and routines become ingrained

  • Empowering you to get your health back on track that wellness and life balance become a way of life.

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In between sessions, you’ll have access to me via:

  • Text/WhatsApp

  • Email

  • Phone calls (arranged 24 hrs. In advance)

Imagine this day, upon completing Renou™ You together, and you:

  • Have regained control of your health;

  • Are losing weight;

  • Are excited because you understand how your food choices impact all areas of your health

  • Are incorporating movement/exercise into your daily or weekly routine;

  • Are showing up more present and confident in all areas of your life;

  • Have re-established boundaries and balance;

  • Feel empowered because you have made yourself a priority again


Renou™ You 

Pay in full and save 10%: $3,950

Flexible payment option: $4,345/6 payments of $724

The work is intense. The rewards are HUGE!  And YOU are worth the investment.